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duPont, Emmy, and Murrow-award winning multimedia journalist

As a multimedia investigative journalist, I've shot, edited, and created graphics for stories airing on WNBC-TV, NY1, The New York Times, and WPIX-TV.

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WNBC-TV hosts the Macy’s Firework’s show, so I reached out to the NYPD Harbor Unit to take a look at how the keep the barges with hundreds of pyrotechnics and thousands of New Yorker’s safe from a potential terror attack.


Shot on Panasonic P2 and over Zoom


Obtained police reports for seven Asian women attacked and one spoke publicly to send a message; spoke exclusively to library security guard who assisted in arrest and the chief of detectives.


Shot on Panasonic P2 and over Zoom


I was first to report on the arrest of Jacques Edwards, a juvenile counselor for the Administration for Children’s Services. I then ran his name through the state correction database and determined he’d served 28 years in prison for murder—the city never bothered to conduct a background check.


Shot on Panasonic P2 and on GoPro


I went through FTC filings and found a company buying fake Amazon reviews was headquartered in Brooklyn—and was fined millions. I went looking for the owner and spoke to the agency about deceptive reviews.


Shot on Panasonic P2 and on GoPro

Obtained police report with information about a 96-year old Holocaust victim whose wheelchair was stolen. I went to his apartment and he invited me in—to be the least intrusive I shot the interview entirely on my iPhone in cinematic mode.


Shot on iPhone


This is part four of a series of investigative reports on cars with deadly recalls. I pulled vehicle records of hundreds of city vehicles and found that many employees were driving cars with potentially deadly defects.

These reports led to a change in city law prohibiting the Department of Finance from selling cars with recalls and requiring immediate safety fixes on city vehicles with recalls.


Shot on Panasonic P2, and GoPro